Frequently Asked Questions
Is Elk Grove Charter a private school?
Elk Grove Charter School works in partnership with the Elk Grove Unified School District . We are a public school and do not charge any fees/tuition. -
Is Elk Grove Charter a continuation school?
While Elk Grove Charter does offer an alternative learning environment, we are not a continuation school. Students who do not follow the school's academic or behavior policies will be dismissed from our program. - What Grades do you serve?
We serve 7-12th grades. 7th and 8th grades attend the morning block, 9th and 10th grades attend the afternoon block, and 11th and 12th grades are Independent Study. -
Are you accredited?
The Elk Grove Charter School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) through 2023. CLICK HERE to learn more about WASC. -
If my student attends Elk Grove Charter, can they attend a UC/CSU School?
Yes. Elk Grove Charter offers many courses that are UC a-g approved. Upon enrollment, please let your ISP teacher know that you intend on transferring to a UC/CSU school upon graduation so that we can plan your class schedule accordingly. Students will need to take their second year of lab science (Chemistry/Physics) at the community college through the Advanced Education Program. -
Do you offer Special Education Programs for IEP and 504 Students?
Elk Grove Charter offers consultative services for IEP/504 students. We ask that students with any accommodations(s) submit their plans to Elk Grove Charter for review prior to enrollment. Our special education department/counselor will evaluate your plan and determine if we will be able to provide the best learning environment for your student. -
Do you offer summer school?
Elk Grove Charter may offer summer school as budget allows. Our summer program is for credit recovery only and is offered to those students who were enrolled with us during the spring semester. We do not accept outside students for our summer session. -
Does the district provide transportation?
Elk Grove Charter School and the Elk Grove Unified School District do not provide transportation for students at this time, to this school. All transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Lack of transportation is never an acceptable excuse for tardiness or absences. Please click HERE for a map to the school. -
What must I bring to the initial appointment with the Independent Study Teacher?
Students need to bring their withdrawal form and official transcripts to the initial ISP teacher appointment. Parents must also attend the appointment as this is when the student is enrolled in classes and assigned textbooks. The student should turn in the completed orientation assignment, which is worth two elective credits (if completed thoroughly). This will provide the ISP teacher with a valuable introduction to the student. -
Does the school provide textbooks?
As stated above, the ISP teacher will check out textbooks after the initial appointment. Textbooks are always required in class and at all ISP appointments. Failure to bring textbooks may result in academic probation, suspension, or release from our program. You must present your ID card in order to check out books. -
What are the graduation requirements?
The Elk Grove Charter School offers both a comprehensive high school diploma and an alternative education diploma. Both diplomas require completion of a minimum of 220 credits. These diplomas are explained, in detail, in the orientation assessment and in the Parent/Student Handbook available in the links to the left. -
Is there a dress code or uniform policy?
Elk Grove Charter school does observe a dress code. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for more on the dress code policy. -
Does the school have any policies about Electronic Equipment?
Electronic equipment of any type is not allowed on campus. Electronic equipment brought on campus by students will be confiscated for the day for the student's first offence and can only be retrieved by a parent between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Multiple offenses will result in further disciplinary action. Please refere to the Parent Handbook for more on our Electronic Equipment policies. - How can I get a copy of my Transcript?
For information for transcript requests and/or to complete the Transcript Request Form CLICK HERE
EGCS welcomes those with disabilities to participate fully in the programs, services and activities offered to students, parents, guardians and members of the public. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in any program, service or activity offered to you, please contact EGCS at least 48 hours before the scheduled event so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. [Government Code Section 54953.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 202 (42 U.S.C Section 12132).]