Transcript Requests
Official Transcript Requests
- Complete the form below in blue or black ink and sign it
- Bring/send a copy of a government issued photo ID (driver license, passport, or military)
- Allow at least 3 business days for processing transcripts
- Forms must be submitted to the office or emailed to registrar at
Note: A valid ID must be presented at time of pickup. If you are over the age of 18, we cannot release your records to any other individual on your behalf without prior consent [20 U.S.C §1232g(a)(2) 20 CFR 99]. This consent should include your name, what specific records you are requesting, to whom they should be released, and for what duration [20 U.S.C §1232g(a)(2) 20 CFR 99.30]. Have the statement notarized and make a copy of your valid ID. Your designee may then present these documents and make a request on your behalf.
EGCS Transcript Request Form